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 Course 2 > Unit 1 > General Writing
General Writing: The Subjunctive Mood (Tense Form)

2. The following sentences contain indicative mood verbs. Cross out any indicative mood verb which should be subjunctive. Write the correct subjunctive form in the space on the left. If the mood is correct, write C before the number of the sentence.

Example: be It is necessary that every new employee is a proficient writer.
  1. Many employers insist that new management trainees are effective writers.
  2. If the trainee was an employer, he would realize the concern with writing skills.
  3. Most business professionals spend over twenty percent of their time writing.
  4. Since this situation exists, it is necessary that this writing is clear and understandable.
  5. Granted, most businessmen prefer that an intelligent administrative secretary composes the reports and letters.
  6. Secretarial personnel, however, do not necessarily have the knowledge required to compose a report.


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