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 Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words in the blanks.

Oxford University
Cambridge University
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Stanford University
Princeton University
Harvard University

Famous universities are located all over the world, and they attract students from all over the world, too. Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest universities in Britain with a history of Oxford 1.   1100s. Princeton was established in 1746 and is 2.   in Princeton, New Jersey, a state on the east coast of America. MIT began in 1861 and is located in another 3.   state, Massachusetts. Stanford is a famous university in California. In 1891, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford wanted to 4.   a university in the west where young men and young women could 5.   a degree. They donated many acres of land to the establishment of Stanford. It is one of the largest campuses in America today.

Harvard is the oldest university in America 6.   many historic buildings and an 7.   of American history. Students 8.   Harvard have more than 40 areas of undergraduate studies to choose from. There are schools of medicine, business, design, law, public health, public policy, to 9.   a few. First year students, called freshmen, are required to live on campus. Sophomores and upper classmen can choose off campus living in an 10.   or a house. There are many activities students can participate in from music to sports to student government.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007