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Apollo 11 was the first space mission to land a human being on the moon. On July 16, 1969, 1.   Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., and Neil A. Armstrong 2.   off from Cape Kennedy, now called Cape Canaveral. The Apollo lunar landing mission used two space craft--a command module that stayed in 3.   around the moon, and a lunar module that separated from the command module, landed the astronauts on the moon, and brought them back to the command module. On July 20, four days after liftoff, Armstrong and Aldrin piloted the lunar module to a 4.   landing on a large, flat area of the moon called the Sea of Tranquility. While on the moon, the astronauts set up scientific 5.   and collected rocks and soil samples. They returned to earth on July 24.

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