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 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Directions: In this article, Bill Gates advises young people to get the best education they can and take advantage of both high school and college. Now think about and answer the following question: As a student, how will you make the most of the college?

 Words and phrases likely to be used
 ·make full use of time
 ·make the best use of resources on campus
 ·learn broadly
 ·read widely
 ·think about specialization
 ·get knowledge in the area of your interest
 ·learn with people
 ·test our ability
 ·develop the ability to get along well with others
 ·try out ideas
 ·participate in activities
 ·do projects with
 Sentence patterns likely to be used
 ·How will you …?
 ·Let me think just a minute…
 ·I believe that…
 ·Do you think that…?
 ·What about you?
 ·The most important thing is…
 ·Another thing is…
 ·Apart from…, we should…
 ·It’s true that…, but…
 ·I’d like to add something to…
 ·My point is…
 ·By taking advantage of college, I mean…
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