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        Words & Expressions
 ★Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions

ability   n.

the fact of having the skill, power, or other qualities that are needed in order to do something 能力

academic   adj. scholarly 学术的
actually   ad. really 实际上

automatically   ad.


capable   adj.

having the power, skill, or other qualities needed (to do something) 有能力的

claim   v. declare to be true 声称

discourage   v. prevent or try to prevent (an action) 劝阻

dropout   n.

someone who leaves a school or college without completing the program 辍学者

dynamics   n.

a force that produces change, action or effects (原)动力

extended   adj. wider or longer than usual or expected 扩展的

first-hand   ad. (learned) directly from the point of origin 直接地

foster   v. help (feeling or ideas) to grow or develop 有助于
full-time   ad.

working or giving work during the whole of the usual working period 全日地

graduate school     研究生院

heartfelt   adj. deeply felt 衷心的

jeopardize   v. put something at risk or in danger 危害

obsessive   adj.

excessively interested 着迷的

perceive   v.

(come to) have knowledge of something through the mind 理解,领悟到

programmer   n.

a person who writes computer programs 程序编制员

purely   ad. only, merely 纯粹地

range /reindJ   v.

vary between limits 在某范围内变化

reasonably   ad.

fairly 相当地

reconsider   v.

hink again about (a subject) with the possibility of changing one?s mind 重新考虑

science   n. ( 理科中的一门 ) 学科; 科学

sink   v. pass gradually into a worse condition 陷入 ( 更坏的境地 )

specialization   n.

学科专业; 专门化

specialized   adj. suitable or developed for one particular use 专门的

specialty   n. a special field of work or study 专业
standpoint   n.

a position from which things are seen and opinions are formed 立场

unlikely   adj. not expected 不太可能的

wide-ranging   adj. extensive in scope 覆盖广的

  · Phrases and Expressions

drop out (of )

stop attending or taking part 退出

fall into

pass into a specified state 陷入

lose oneself in

be extremely interested in something 沉浸于

sign up

sign an agreement to take part in something 签约受雇; 报名参加

take a deep interest in

be greatly interested in 对?极感兴趣

try out test something by use, action, and experience, in order to find out about its quality, worth, effect, etc. 试用; 试验

  ·Proper Names

Kathy Cridland




©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007