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Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions

1.opportunity: a favorable moment or occasion (for doing something)
  It will give you an opportunity to meet all kinds of people.
  Don't let slip any opportunity to practice your English.

2. claim: say that (sth.) is true or is a fact without having any proof
  Jean claims to own a car but I don't believe her.
  He claimed that he had done the work without help.

3. let alone: not to mention
  I have not even read the first chapter, let alone finished the book.
  The baby can't even walk, let alone run.

4. discourage: prevent (an action)
  We discourage smoking in this school.
  We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide.

5. foster: help (something) to grow or develop
  Cooperative learning fosters a spirit of cooperation.
  The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music by taking him to concerts when he was young.

6. try out: test to find out about quality, worth, effect, etc.
  I want to try out several of the new singers for the part.
  The new engine must be thoroughly tried out before being out on the market.

7. focus on: direct one's attention to
  Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people in London.
  As we can't study all the resources, I propose we focus attention on one of them.

8. academic: scholarly, theoretical, not practical
  Academic exchanges are an important part of cultural exchanges between two countries.
  His theory received little attention because he was unknown in the academic world.

9. grateful: feeling or showing thanks
  I was most grateful to John for bringing the books.
  We are grateful to our neighbors for help in time of trouble.

10. sign up: sign an agreement to take part in something
  We will not have the picnic unless more people sign up.
  How many people signed up for this course.

11. lose oneself in: be extremely interested in something
  On a dull winter afternoon, Harry would sit by the fire and lose himself in a book.
  Boys tend to lose themselves in computer games.

12. fall into: pass into a specified state
  You have fallen into a bad habit of repeating yourself.
  If you fall into heavy smoking, you'll get healthy problems.

13. capable: having ability of doing or the power to do
  She is extremely capable and dependable.
  This computer is capable of storing millions of bits of information.

14. appropriate: correct or suitable
  Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.
  It seemed appropriate to end with a joke.

15. lead to: have as a result; cause
  A bad cold can lead to pneumonia.
  Hard work leads to success.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007