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Notes to Text 

1.ease: the ability to do something without difficulty
  Examples: The wall is so low that they jump over it with ease.

2. His horse... appeared to be in fine shape: His horse ...looked fit and strong.

3. relax: become less tense
  Examples: The music will help to relax you.

4. obstacle: sth. in the way that stops progress or makes it difficult
  Examples: A tree fallen across the road was an obstacle to our car.

5. communication: the act or action of communicating
  Examples: Speech and writing are man’s most important methods of communication.

6. break down: fail; (of machinery) fail to work
  Examples: The peace talks have broken down.

7. result in: have as a result; cause
  Examples: The accident resulted in the deaths of 2 passengers.

8. on one’s own: without help
  Examples: I can’t carry it on my own; it is too heavy.

9. at the time: at the moment when something happened
  Examples: He called at my office yesterday morning, but I could not see him, as I was having

10. despair:
(v.) lose hope of
  Examples: Don’t despair: things will get better soon.

11. undergo: experience (esp. suffering or difficulty)
  Examples: The explorers had to undergo much suffering.

12. restore: bring back to a good or desirable state, especially of health
  Examples: He feels completely restored to health after a period of intensive care.

13. emphasize: place special attention on
  Examples: He emphasized the importance of being honest.

14. aid: support; help
  Examples: The family lived on government aid for two years.

15. set out: begin a course of action
  Examples: He set out to break the world record.

16. sustain:
(enable to) keep up, maintain
  Examples: They had nothing to sustain them all day except two cups of coffee.

17. at a time: one (two etc.) on each occasion; separately
  Examples: He took the stairs two at a time.

18. turn to: shift to
  Examples: After he left the university, he became a teacher, but later he turned to journalism.

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