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Words & Expressions

aid   n. support or help 帮助
  appearance   n. coming into sight 露面; 出现
  approval   n. favorable opinion or judgment 赞成
  assistance   n. help or support 帮助

bound   n. a jump or leap 跳跃

bullet   n. 子弹

clot   n. 血块
  communication   n.

sharing or exchanging opinions, feelings, information, etc. 交流

dashing   adj.

attractive in a lively or stylish way 有魅力的

emphasize   v.

give special or additional attention to something to show that it is particularly important 强调

feeble   adj. lacking strength or force 虚弱的

gloaming   n. half darkness in the early evening 黄昏

graduation   n. 毕业典礼

inner   adj. of the mind or spirit 内心的

invincible   adj. oo strong to be defeated 不可战胜的

limitation   n.


locomotive   n. 机车


motivational   adj. 激励人的

obstacle   n.

something which prevents action, movement, or success 障碍

ovation   n.

expression of public approval, especially by means of applause 喝彩

paralysis   n.

oss of feeling in, and loss of control of , all or some of the body muscles 瘫痪

physical   adj.

of or for the body 身体的

pitch   v.

(cause to) fall heavily or suddenly forward ( 使 ) 突然向前倒下

pneumonia   n.

a serious infection in the lungs 肺炎

respirator   n. 呼吸器


restore   v.

bring back to a good or desirable state, especially of health 恢复,康复

scuba   n.


scuba diving    

( 戴自携式潜水呼吸器 ) 潜水


shift   n. 转换 , 转变

skull   n. the bone of the head, which encloses the brain 头骨

spinal cord   n. 脊椎


sustain   v. hold up 支撑

therapy   n.

the treatment of illness of the mind or body, especially without drugs or surgery 疗法

  tube   n.

a hollow round pipe of metal, glass, rubber, etc. 管子

  undergo   v.

experience (especially something unpleasant, unwelcome, or difficult) 遭受

  Phrases and Expressions

at a time

  each time 每次

break down

lose effectiveness 失效

in fine / bad shape

be in good / bad condition 状况良好 / 不佳

set out (to do something)

begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal 着手 ( 做 )

stop short

stop suddenly 突然停下

turn to

shift to 转向 , 转为


  Proper Names

Boston University


Christopher Reeve


Dana Morosini



多伦多 ( 加拿大一城市 )


弗吉尼亚 ( 美国一州名 )



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