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 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Work in pairs and retell Paul Wylie's story.Then share with each other your own story of persevering and achieving success in  spite of difficulties.

 Words and phrases likely to be used
 ·a figure skater/athlete
 ·Calgary Olympics
 ·World Championships
 ·make room for
 ·keep going
 ·silver medal
 ·no longer
 ·Olympic hero
 Sentence patterns likely to be used
 ·Paul was…
 ·For many years he struggled…
 ·But he remained …
 ·He took part in…
 ·Yet he failed…
 ·Some judges suggested that…
 ·He himself thought of…
 ·But despite…
 ·It was … that…
 ·He earned…
 ·People considered him…
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