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 Directions: Listen to the following passage and try to fill in the missing words in the blanks.

Starting of 100-meter Racing
“Last Minutes!”
Marathon Running
Beach Volleyball

Physical activity improves our bodies' health. A recent study 1.   in The New England Journal of Medicine, suggests that maintaining a healthy level of physical 2.   through exercise can help people live longer; and the findings also provide updated 3.   to Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory. But repetitive exercise can become boring, 4.   discouragement, frustration, even quitting. Selecting an activity that provides 5.   as well as physical exercise, however, can be the answer. Many people have turned to sports. Sports can provide a 6.   - physically as well as mentally - and increase one's physical activity while providing social interaction, a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment.

First held as part of the 1896 Olympics in Athens, Greece, and then brought to Boston, Massachusetts in 1897, the Marathon is now an important part of 7.   in many cities across America. Marathon running, usually a 40k (26.2 miles) race, is becoming increasingly popular with both men and women for its challenge of perseverance, requiring both 8.   and mental endurance, and its feat of accomplishment. For first-time runners it is the culmination of a dream - a personal 9.   obtained after months of physical and psychological 10.  and training. For veteran marathoners it's an opportunity to improve their Personal Best - competing against their own fastest time.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007