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 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. The main purpose of this passage is to __________. 
A) provide scholarship information for Oxford applicants
B) give an introduction to Oxford University in general
C) explain the teaching and research systems of Oxford
D) introduce the long history of Oxford

2. The admission of an undergraduate student at Oxford is decided by __________. 
A) the university
B) a fellow
C) a professor
D) the college

3. __________ are eligible for Marshall scholarships. 
A) Only British students
B) Only US students
C) Only Canadian Students
D) All students

4. The passage tells us that Oxford makes an effort to __________. 
A) get the best students to study at Oxford
B) provide its students with financial support
C) elect the best candidates as its fellows
D) ensure that every student has a tutor

5. It can be inferred that __________. 
A) Oxford has some of the best teachers in Britain
B) some teachers at Oxford are not good enough
C) Oxford and Stanford will be joined
D) Oxford is the best university in the world

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