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        Words & Expressions
   ★Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions  

award   v. give, especially as the result of an official decision 授予

challenging   adj.

needing the full use of one's abilities and effort 富有挑战性的

competition   n. 竞争; 竞赛

corporate   adj. 自成一体的

diploma   n. 毕业文凭

distinct   adj. separate 分开的

elect   v.

choose (someone) for an official position by voting 选举

eligible   adj. fulfilling the necessary conditions 具备必要条件的 , 合格的

enterprise   n.

willingness to take risks and do things that are difficult, new, or daring 进取精神

equip   v.

make able, fit, or prepared 使具备

exchange   n.

giving and receiving in return (something of the same type or equal value) 交换

exploit   v. use for advantage 利用

extremely   ad.

to an extreme extent 非常地

facilitate   v. make easy or less difficult 使容易

facilities   n.

things such as buildings, shops, or services that are useful or helpful to do something ( 提供方便、服务等的 ) 设施

fellow   n.

a high-ranking member of an Oxford or Cambridge college ( 牛津或剑桥分院的 ) 管理委员会成员



give, especially as a favor 授予
补助金; 助学金

higher   adj.

more advanced, especially in development, organization, or knowledge needed 高等的

historical   adj.

connected with history as a study 历史的

innovation   n. the introduction of new things 创新

institution   n.

an organization, usually a long-established or well respected one 社会机构

joint   adj. shared by two or more people 共同的

locate   v. set in a certain place 使...坐落于

minimum   n. the smallest number, amount, etc. 最小量

nationality   n.

membership of a nation by a person, especially when abroad 国籍

private   adj.

not intended for everyone, but for a particular person or chosen group 非公开的;私用的

property   n. something which is owned 财产

pursue   v. continue steadily with 继续从事,追求

range   n.

the limits within which something operates, exists, or is effective ( 活动 ) 范围

regional   adj.

of or in a particular region 地区的

religious   adj.

of religion 宗教的

requirement   n.

something that is needed or that is demanded as necessary 要求 ( 之物 )

responsibility   n.

the condition or quality of being responsible 责任

restrict   v. keep within limits of size or number or to a certain limit 限制

rigorous   adj. strict 严格的

scheme   n. a formal, official, or business plan 计划

specialized   adj.

suitable or developed for one particular use 专门 ( 化 ) 的

supervise   v.

keep watch over (a job or activity, or the people doing it) as the person in charge 指导

tutor   n.


tutorial   n.


undergraduate   n.

a student who is doing a university course for a first degree 本科生

venture   n. 风险项目 , 风险投资

well-being   n.

personal and physical comfort, especially food, health and happiness 身心健康

  · Phrases and Expressions

on the basis of

according to the fact, principles, etc. from which something is formed, started or developed 依据

apply for

request (something), especially officially and in writing ( 正式以书面 ) 提出请求; 申请

aim at

direct one?s effort towards obtaining (something) 致力于 ···

in support of

supporting 支撑 , 支持

at large

as a whole 整个

  ·Proper Names

Oxford University


Oxford, England

牛津 ( 英格兰的一个大学城 )

St. Hilda's College


Somerville College


Stanford University


Yale University


©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007