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Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions
1. establish: set up
  My father established this business forty years ago.
  Public schools for girls were established in some places.

2. distinct: different; separate
  The twins had distinct personalities.
  Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.

3. elect: choose (somebody) by voting
  They elected him to represent them.
  We must urge that delegates be elected from the various factories in a district.

4. facility: aids, circumstances, which make it easy to do things
  One of the facilities our students have is a large library.
  This kitchen has a garbage disposal and other modern facilities.

5. assign: give as a share or duty
  They assigned me a small room.
  Two pupils were assigned to sweep the floor.

6. on the basis of : circumstance that provides a reason for some action or opinion
  Students are able, on the basis of experience, to choose which subjects to specialize in.
  Decisions were often made on the basis of incorrect information.

7. grant: give (especially what is wanted or requested)
  They refused to grant them long-term credits.
  He requested that the Premier grant him an interview.

8. minimum: the least, or the smallest possible, quantity, number, or degree
  This price is his minimum; he refuses to lower it further.
  Allow a minimum of five minutes for introducing the dialogue.

9. locate: establish in a certain place
  Where is the new factory to be located?
  The baker located his bakery in the new shopping center.

10. apply for/to: requesting something, especially officially and in writing
  He has applied for a post in England.
  I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.

11. award: give as the result of an official decision, especially a prize
  The University awarded him an honorary degree.
  The best students are awarded special scholarships.

12. at large: as a whole
  The people at large wanted peace.
  The country at large is hoping for great changes.

13. benefit from / by: gain by; receive advantage from
  Who would be most likely to benefit from the old man's death?
  The pupils are benefiting from the scheme.You will benefit by taking a holiday.

14. exploit: use or develop (a thing) fully so as to get profit
  You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things.
  They exploit its rich resources in wheat and oil.

15. equip: make (oneself or another) able (to do something) or prepared (for something)
  Your education will equip you to earn a good living.
  Her evening study has equipped her for a career as an electrical engineer.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007