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Words & Expressions

accomplishment   n. achievement 成就

acknowledge   v.

show that one is grateful for 表示感谢

advantage   n.

something that may help one to be successful or to gain a favorable result 优势

alumni   n. former students of a school, college, or university 校友

applause   n.

loud praise for a performance or performer, especially by striking the hands together 掌声

belief   n.

an idea which is considered true, often one which is part of a system of ideas 信念

cancel   v. give up (a planned activity, event, etc.) 取消

ceremony   n. 典礼
  challenge   n.

(something with) the quality of demanding competitive action, interest, or thought 挑战question the truth, rightness or validity of something 挑战,提出异议

  constructive   adj.

helping to improve or develop something 积极的 , 建设性的

contemplation   n. the act of thinking deeply and quietly 沉思
  contribute   v. join with others in giving (money, help, etc.) 贡献
convocation   n.

a large formal assembly 集会

dedicate   v.

give completely to (a particular cause, purpose, or action) 致力于

  engage   v.

attract and keep (the interest and attention) of... 吸引 ( …的兴趣、注意力 )

  enthusiasm   n.

a strong active feeling of interest and admiration 热忱

exceptional   adj.

unusual, especially of unusually high quality, ability, etc. 特别的 , 优异的

  format   n. the general plan or arrangement of something 格式
  foundation   n.

a principle, an idea or a fact on which something is based 基础

  humanity   n. the human race 人类
  inhuman   adj.

very cruel 无人性的

initiation   n. the action of starting something 开始
  inspiration   n.


  memorial   n.

omething in memory of a person, event, etc. 纪念 ( 仪式 )

mourn   v.

feel and show grief for, especially because of someone?s death 哀悼

  occur   v. take place 发生
  passion   n.

a strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling 激情

pluralistic   adj.


  prejudice   n. 偏见

pursuit   n.

an activity to which one gives one's time, whether for work or for pleasure 追求

recognition   n. 承认

resume   v. begin again after a pause 重新开始 , 恢复

Sen   n. senator 参议员

transfer   n.

moving from one place, job, position, etc., to another 转移;调动

transform   v.

change completely in form, appearance, or nature 改变

tremendous   adj. very great in size, amount, or degree 巨大的

urge   v. try very hard to persuade 敦促;强烈要求

vigor   n. active strength or force of mind or body 活力

  Phrases and Expressions

in fact

actually 实际上

in recognition of

in order to reward 为酬答而···

keep up

(cause to) remain out of bed, as at night ( 使 ) 熬夜

provide for

arrange for (someone) to have or use (something needed or useful) 提供

rest with

depend on 依靠


  Proper Names

Leland Stanford


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