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General Writing: Unreal Conditions

To make predictions, you may find unreal conditional clauses useful. Unreal conditions are either impossible to realize or unlikely to be realized. In these sentences, a contrary-to-fact condition exists.
Present Time:

    If this was allowed to happen, the dam would collapse.
    If the dam collapsed, many acres of good farmland would disappear.

Past Time:
    If this had not been allowed to happen, the dam would not have collapsed.

Past Time with Present or Future Result:
    If they had passed the law, the economy would be in better shape now.

1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb form.
Example: If the weather is warm, I will go swimming.
If the weather were warm, I would go swimming.
If the weather had been warm, I would have gone swimming.

1) If I have time, I will write some letters.
If I had time, I some letters. 
If I had had time, I some letters. 
2) If he makes an appointment, he can see the director.
If he made an appointment, he the director. 
If he had made an appointment, he the director. 
3) If I slip on the ice, I may break my leg.
If I slipped on the ice, I my leg. 
If had slipped on the ice, I my leg. 
4) I will lock the door if you give me a key.
I would lock the door if you me a key. 
I would have locked the door if you me a key. 
5) We can go on a picnic if the weather is nice.
We could go on a picnic if the weather nice. 
We could have gone on a picnic if the weather nice. 

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007