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Practical Writing: Résumé

A résumé usually contains the job applicant's name, address, telephone number; experience; education; personal data; job objective; summary; publications; foreign language skills; professional memberships; hobbies; and references. The first four components are fundamental and necessary.

Directions:Write a résumé of your own, imitating the model given below.

A model résumé:

Zhi Wang  
    503 Cherry St. #212
College Station, TX 77840
Home Phone: (979) 696-1622

  Seeking a position as an IT Developer, Software Engineer, or Field Consultant
1999 – present
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
M.S. in Computer Science
1995 –1999 Nanjing University, China
B.S. in Computer Science
August, 2001 Electro Scientific Industries, Inc., Portland, Oregon
Software Engineer
Developed a testing program for a major process in the software for lase drilling machines. Wrote a software simulator for the real-time lase moving controller.
August, 2000 B&B Computer Workshop, Houston, Texas
Computer technician
Progressed from an errand worker to a computer repairperson. Learned more about inner structure of computer systems.
Computer Skills:  
  Languages: C/C++, MFC, Java, Fortran
Operating Systems: Unix, Windows NT/95/98, DOS
Package: Visual Studio, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Labview, Matlab
Networking: TCP/IP, RPC, UNIX IPCs, IP Multicast
Personal Data:  
  Data of Birth: July 18, 1965
Place of Birth: Baoji, Shaanxi Province, China
Nationality: Chinese
Sex: Male
Health: Excellent
Hobbies: Violin, jogging

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