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  Advertising Photography

  Advertising photography is designed to sell products or services by capturing a viewer’s attention. It can be found in magazines, newspapers, and catalogs. The photographs may stand alone, or they may be combined with words to sell a product or illustrate a concept. Typically, an art director or advertising agency determines the content of the picture and hires a photographer to create the image. The image may be a still life of a company’s product, or the photograph may try to elicit an emotion the advertiser wishes to associate with a product. Male and female models are often used to create moods, especially in fashion photography.

  The photographer visually translates the idea into the final image using a variety of tools and techniques. He or she charges a daily rate for taking photographs, plus expenses, including the cost of hiring freelance assistants, stylists, and makeup artists when necessary. Some of the technical elements a photographer must skillfully control include sharpness, exposure, lighting, composition, and color reproduction.

1 capture v. 获得;赢得
2 content n. 内容
3 elicit v. 引出,探出(实情、情报等)
4. associate v. 联想;把…与…联想在一起
5. freelance n. 作家,自由撰稿人
6. makeup n 排版;版面
7. composition n 组成,组合方式,结构
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