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 Course 2 > Unit 3 > General Writing
General Writing: Conjunctions and Connective Words

We sometimes wish to join short, choppy sentences to form longer sentences. One way to join two ideas is to use a coordinating conjunction and a comma.
Examples: 
    The trip was fine, and I learned a great deal from it.
    The television picture is blurred, but we will watch the football game anyway.
    She wants to practice her Italian, so she is going to Italy for the entire summer

Coordinating Conjunctions:
    and, but, yet, for, so, or

1. Read the following sentences for meaning, and fill in the coordinating conjunction that best expresses the relationship between the two complete thoughts.

1) This digital radio looks stylish, it often fails to work. 
2) The Robinsons have a large garden, they never have to buy vegetables. 
3) Burt takes only evening courses, he works during the day at McDonald's. 
4) Dave tried the cross-country skiing, he loved it. 
5) They will stay in the city, they will move to the suburbs. 

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007