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 Course 2 > Unit 3> General Writing
General Writing: Conjunctions and Connective Words

We can also use a special kind of adverb to join ideas. This special kind of adverb is called a conjunctive adverb because it is partly a conjunction and partly a adverb. A conjunctive adverb joins ideas together in an emphatic way. It is used with a emicolon when both ideas are independent and can stand alone.

Common Conjunctive Adverbs: furthermore, however, nevertheless, therefore

Example: He received an A on his term paper; furthermore, the instructor exempted him from the final.
He rarely seems to study; nevertheless, he always gets A's.

2. Add an idea after each conjunctive adverb. Keep in mind the meaning of furthermore, however, nevertheless, and therefore. The idea you add should help to form an entire sentence that makes sense.

1. My parents may not have had much formal education; nevertheless,
2. Thomas is afraid of the dark; therefore,
3. On the morning of the test, I awoke with chills and a fever; however,
4. I refuse to wear those red cowboy boots again; furthermore,
5. The days are getting longer; therefore,

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