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 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. What does Gates mean by "education counts"? 
A) Education teaches us how to count numbers.
B) Education is important to everyone.
C) One learns by getting an education.
D) Education is the only way to success.

2. From the passage we know that __________. 
A) many people are interested in the success story of Gates
B) Gates dropped out of college because he didn't do well
C) the smart part-time programmer dropped out of school
D) Gates is going back to Harvard to get a degree

3. Gates tells us that __________. 
A) Microsoft Corp. has some successful high school dropouts
B) Microsoft Corp. doesn't care much about school education and diplomas
C) he encouraged the bright part-time programmer to drop out of school
D) it is easier to get a job with a college diploma than without one

4. According to Gates, __________. 
A) one learns better in a library
B) one learns better by self-study
C) one learns better by going to school
D) it's bad to have many interests

5. It can be inferred from the passage that __________. 
A) good universities usually get smart and capable students
B) one gets specialized knowledge from graduate school
C) one learns broadly at both high school and college
D) it's fine to become deeply interested in one specific area

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007