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 Read and complete > Exercise 13

13. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 sustain  obstacle  emphasize  undergo  restore
 bound  appearance  shift  invincible  approval

1. With one the dog was over the fence.
2. We don't have sufficient resources to our campaign for long.
3. She realized that being unable to speak a foreign language was a major to her career.
4. The actor said that he felt quite after the holiday, and was ready to work again.
5. I'm only 16, and I'm afraid I can't sign these papers without my parent's .
6. The in the balance of power in the region has far-reaching consequences.
7. I'd like to the point that we are ready to meet with the management at any time.
8. You won't have to a medical examination, or any probing questions about your health or occupation.
9. When you're young you think you are , you feel you can achieve anything.
10. She was making a public sighing copies of her latest novel.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007