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 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Choose the best answer to each question with the information you obtain from the passage.

1. Which of the following proverbs is most appropriate in describing Paul Wylie and his achievement? 
A) All things will come round to him who will but wait.
B) A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner.
C) Time past cannot be called back again.
D) Success belongs to the persevering.

2. Paul Wylie had no idea that the applause was for him when he stepped off the plane because __________. 
A) he didn't realize that he had become a national hero
B) he thought there was a celebrity walking behind him
C) he didn't think it was a big deal to win a silver medal
D) he thought he was still the same person as before

3. Paul Wylie had experienced all of the following except that __________. 
A) he was left behind by nine skaters in the 1988 Calgary Olympics
B) he was advised to quit skating and give opportunity to younger skaters
C) he didn't skate as well as Todd Eldredge and Kurt Browning in competitions
D) he had an excellent performance in the '91 Olympic Trials and won

4. Many people counted Paul Wylie out because __________.  
A) they knew that he was going to retire soon
B) he decided to persevere and hang it there
C) they didn't think that he would be able to win a medal
D) he had been doing extremely well and was likely to win

5. According to Paul Wylie, a hero is one __________. 
A) who only stands up in times of crisis or in more visible situations
B) who does good deeds regularly or inspires others with his own action
C) who skates to achieve perfection by practicing small parts every day
D) who is going to set a record in the Olympics to be held in Salt Lake City

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007