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General Writing: Unreal Conditions
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Adverbial clauses are dependent clauses beginning with subordinating conjunctions. They are attached to independent clauses forming complex sentences.
While you were out running around town, I was home taking care of your chores.
I was home taking care of your chores while you were out running around town.
The use of an adverbial clause alone results in a sentence fragment. When it is used to begin a sentence, a comma is usually placed after the clause.

The meanings and functions of adverbial clauses are determined by the subordinating conjunctions used, which are generally classified into:
Time and place: before, after, when, whenever, as, while, until, where, wherever
Cause and effect: because, since, as
Manner and condition: if, as, in case, although, unless

1. Complete each of the following sentences with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: when, whenever, before, after, as, while, until, where, wherever.
Example: When you put on your tie, button the top button of your shirt.

1. the sun began to set, I took out my camera.
2. your alarm goes off, please get up and feed the dog.
3. a hard day at the sawmill, Sam's arms are very tired.
4. I won't answer any of your questions you've given them more thought.
5. We all stood at attention the flag was being raised up the pole.
6. Check the answers to this practice you go on to the next one.
7. I'll be glad to help you plant roses you want me to.
8. Please sit you have been sitting all the week.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007