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Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions

1. surgery: treatment of injuries or diseases by cutting or removing parts of the body
  Major surgery was needed to save the crash victim's life.
  “Surgery will be necessary, Nurse, prepare the instruments please.”

2. bring out: cause to develop, cause to be seen
  Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities.
  These dreadful circumstances bring out the worst in everybody.

3. reflection: being a sign of
  Their behavior was a reflection of their very different personalities.
  A high crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society.

4. in return (for): as repayment (for)
  They have nothing to give in return.
  What can I do in return for your kindness?

5. take up: occupy (space, time, etc.) entirely and exclusively
  The bed takes up too much space in the small room.
  Gathering evidence took up a full week's time.

6. work at/on: give one's attention to doing or trying to do
  You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it.
  She is working on a new novel.

7. go into: enter a profession, state of life, etc.
  Have you ever thought of going into journalism?
  He went into advertising four years ago.

8. pursue: make continual efforts to gain (something)
  She pursued the goal of perfection in her art.
  The development of industry must not be pursued at the expense of environmental pollution.

9. fulfill: carry out; make true
  A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.
  If he is lazy, he'll never fulfill his ambition of being a doctor.

10. turn out: happen to be in the end; prove to be
  His statement turned out to be false.
  It turned out nice and sunny again.

11. bring up: educate; rear
  If children are badly brought up they behave badly.
  Fathers are beginning to play a bigger role in bringing up their children.

12. complain about/of: say that one is not satisfied, that something is wrong, that one is suffering
  Mary is always complaining about something. Why can't she be more pleasant?
  Women complain of pressure on them to get jobs.

13. instill (in/into): put (ideas, feelings, etc.) into someone's mind by continuing effort
  I instilled the need for good manners into all my children.
  A good teacher can instill the desire to learn in young people.

14. circumstances: conditions, facts, etc. connected with an event or a person
  We cannot expect him to continue these activities under such unfavorable circumstances.
  Because of circumstances beyond our control the meeting was cancelled.

15. survive: remain alive or continue to live after diseases or disasters
  The baby was born with a heart problem and only survived for a few hours.
  It is a miracle that John survived the air crash while all the others were dead.

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