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        Words & Expressions
  ★Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions  

archeologist   n.


cancer   n. 癌症

Congress   n.


election   n.

(an example of) the choosing by vote of a representative to take an official position 选举

fulfill   v. satisfy a demand, requirement or purpose 达到 ( 目标 )

gross   adj. very unpleasant to look at ; disgusting 不雅的

hateful   adj. having hatred to someone else 心怀仇恨的

mastectomy   n. 乳房切除术

optimist   n. a person who thinks that whatever happens will be good 乐观主义者

pillar   n. 支柱; 柱子

principle   n. moral rule or set of ideas which guides behavior 行为准则

reconstruction   n. 再造 ( 术 ) ; 重建

rigid   adj. firm or fixed in behavior, views, or methods 严格的

segregation   n. 种族隔离 ( 制度 )

surgery   n. 外科手术

sway   v. influence or change the opinions or actions of 改变; 影响

trauma   n. an injury 创伤

tremendously   ad. extremely 极其

  · Phrases and Expressions

bring out one's best / bring out the best in...

  cause one?s best qualities to be revealed 使...表现出最佳品质

bring up

look after a child until he/she is adult and teach him/her how to behave 养育;教育

by nature


hang in there

remain firm and determined in difficult circumstances 坚持

in return

in repayment 作为报答

make up one's mind

decide and be determined 下定决心

take up

occupy 占用

that much

so much 这么多

turn out

be found to be, as after experience or trial 结果是...; 发展为...

work on

give one's attention to doing 致力于

work out

have a good result 有好结果

  ·Proper Names


阿拉巴马 ( 美国一州名 )


特洛伊 ( 美国一城市名 )

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