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 Read and think> Exercise 12

1. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. Why did the president consider the Convocation as the resumption of their normal activities? 
A) The new term began with the arrival of 1,717 new students.
B) All major events in the university were called off after Sept. 11.
C) The freshmen would face the challenge of building a new world.
D) The entire faculty and staff would start their intellectual journey.

2. What can we learn from the fourth paragraph? 
A) College students tend to have prejudices against other people.
B) The students are trying to find a constructive way to contribute to the world.
C) The students will live in a pluralistic society after they entered-college.
D) The students should learn to understand and appreciate people from other cultures.

3. According to the president, the faculty and the staff play an important role in ________. 
A) encouraging the students to pursue knowledge
B) supporting the students on their road to Stanford
C) helping the students find a passion for study
D) bringing the students to a transition in their lives

4. From the passage, we learn that the president of Stanford greatly appreciates ______. 
A) those who have helped the students to enter the university
B) people with different backgrounds and beliefs
C) the students who pursue their journey at Stanford
D) those who contributed to the building of the world

5. What can be inferred from the passage? 
A) The parents have made contributions to the university.
B) Stanford University is named after Sen. Leland Stanford.
C) Only the students at Stanford represent the hope of the future.
D) The students don't know what paths they will take in their journey.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007