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 Read and complete > Exercise 13

13. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 transform  engage  belief  foundation  prejudice
 challenge  cancel  urge  occur  constructive

1. Reducing unemployment will be the main for the new government.
2. He said she him from a hard-drinking person to a devoted husband and father.
3. The new toy didn't the child's attention for long; a few minutes later he cried again.
4. The tragedy only a few minutes after take-off; more than one hundred people were killed in the crash.
5. My tutor me to take the time to read at least three books on the list.
6. The band were forced to their appearance at the recent MTV awards ceremony due to George's poor health.
7. They accused him of having a against his women employees.
8. The mutual understanding between the couple provides a solid for their marriage.
9. All non-violent (非暴力的) religious and political should be respected equally.
10. At the meeting, she made a number of remarks to help us to improve our work.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007