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Notes to Text

1.inspire: encourage in (someone) the ability to act
  e.g.: We need a new captain — someone who can inspire the team.

2. testify: bear witness; serve as proof
  e.g.: The teacher testified to the pupil’s ability and willingness to work hard.

3. experience: feel, suffer, or know as experience
  e.g.: She experienced a genuine feeling of quiet happiness.

4. estimate: form judgments about; calculate (the lost, value, size, etc.)
  e.g.: She made plans and estimated means and resources.

5. category: division or class in a complete system or grouping
  e.g.: Helen groups all people into two categories: those she likes and those she dislikes.

6. symbol: a sign, shape, or object which represents a person, idea, value, etc.
  e.g.: The lion is often used as a symbol of courage.

7. stimulate: increase in activity
  e.g.: The cold air stimulates the flood.

8. motivate: provide someone with a reason or cause for doing something
  e.g.: He was motivated only by his wish to help, and expected nothing in return.

9. concerning: about; with regard to
  e.g.: He wrote to me concerning a business arrangement.

10. abuse: put to wrong use; use badly
  e.g.: It is easy to abuse one’s power.

11. adopt: take (an idea, custom, etc.) and use
  e.g.: I like your methods of teaching and shall adopt them in my school.

12. approximately: very near (to); very nearly
  e.g.: There are approximately 50 people who attended the lecture.

13. pledge: a solemn promise or agreement
  e.g.: He was under pledge to spend the money in the best way.

14. grief: great sorrow or feelings of suffering
  e.g.: She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.

15. threaten: express a threat against (someone)
  e.g.: The whole nation is threatened with starvation.

16. decline: continue to become smaller, weaker, lower
  e.g.: Prices on the stock market declined.

17. distribute: divide among several or many
  e.g.: The teacher distributed the examination papers to the class.

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