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Words & Expressions

abuse   n.

1. wrong use 滥用 2. bad treatment 虐待

adopt   v. take and use 采用


AIDS   n.

(=Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) ( 获得性免疫缺损综合症 ) 艾滋病


alcohol   n.

酒; 酒精

anti-drinking   adj. 反对酗酒的
  approximately   ad. very near (to), very nearly 大约
  awareness   n. understanding 意识
  bond   n. 公债
  campaign   n.

a series of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim 活动

  category   n.

class or group of things in a complete system of grouping 种类

  committed   adj. devoted 尽忠的
  compelling   adj.

extremely interesting so that one has to pay attention 令人信服的

  concerning    prep. about 关于
  council   n. 委员会
  crime   n.

illegal activities in general 犯罪

  decline   n.

go from a better to a worse position, or from higher to lower 衰退; 下降

  distribute   v. divide and give out among several people, places, etc. 分发
dub   v. name humorously or descriptively 把?戏称为
dummy   n.

an object made to look like and take the place of a real thing 模仿物

  economic   adj.

connected with the supply of money, trade, industry, etc. 经济的

  estimate   v. judge or calculate the nature, value, size of 估计
fatality   n. death caused by accident or in war 死亡
  feature   v. give a prominent part to 以?为特色
  federal   adj. 联邦的
foothold   n.

place where one?s foot can be supported securely when climbing 立足处

  fund   n. 基金
  glance   n. quick look 一瞥
  grief   n. great sorrow or feelings of suffering 痛苦
immobilize   v.

prevent...from moving or operating normally 使?固定不动

  impression   n.

an image or effect that is produced in the mind by a person, event, experience 印象

  increasingly   ad. more and more 日益增长地
  individual   n. single human being 个人
  inform   v. give information or knowledge to 告知
  inspire   v.

give something a feeling of wanting and being able to do something good 鼓舞

  landscape   n. (陆上)风景,(喻)全景
  marshal   v. gather 召集
maximize   v.

increase to the greatest possible size or amount 使?最大化

  measurable   adj. large enough to be noticed 明显的
memorable   adj.

deserving to be remembered ; easily remembered 值得纪念的

  motivate   v. stimulate the interest of (somebody) 激发
cause to want to do something 激励
  non-profit   adj. not making a profit 非盈利的
  outlet   n.

means of releasing or distributing 渠道

  pledge   n. a solemn promise or agreement 誓言 , 保证
  potential   n.


profound   adj. deep; very strongly felt 深切的
  rally   v. (cause to) come or bring together for a purpose 集结
ranking   n. 排行榜
  recruit   v. get somebody to join something 招聘
  recycle   v. treat used matevial so that it can be used again 回收
  slogan   n. 口号
  stimulate   v. make more active or alert 激励
  strengthen   v. make stronger (使)更强
  symbol   n. image, object, etc. that suggests or refers to something else 象征
tagline   n.

( 附在广告上的 ) 宣传词

terrorism   n.


testify   v. give evidence as a witness 作证
  threaten   v. warn to hurt, kill or punish somebody 威胁
timely   adj. occurring at just the right time 适时的
unanimously   ad. all agreeing on an opinion or a decision 一致同意地
vigilant   adj. looking out for possible danger, trouble 警惕的
  vote   v.

express one's choice officially from among the possibilities offered or suggested 投票 , 表决

  Phrases and Expressions

at a glance

at one look 一瞥

by name


make a (big) difference

have an effect 产生影响

speak for

express the thoughts, opinions, etc. of ... 代表?说话

take action

start to do 采取行动

to that end for that aim 为此目的

  Proper Names

Ad Council


Larry 拉里
Rosie the Riveter 铆工罗奇
U. S. Department of Transportation 美国交通运输部
United Negro College Fund 联合黑人大学基金
Vince 文斯
War Advertising Council 战时广告委员会
War Bond


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