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 Course 2 > Unit 3 > Talk > Communicative Task 1

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 1:

Topic: Talking about a public service advertisement about waste disposal
Roles: Brian and Xiaohong
Situation: Brian and Xiaohong talk about an environmental protection advertisement in which the citizens are requested to sort out the useful wastes and put them in three slots - blue slot for paper, yellow for aluminum cans, and brown for plastic bottles. They think it a good idea to dispose of the wastes.

Tips:Suggested expressions and sentences for talking about a public service advertisement
sort waste products
sort out items that can be recycled
put the items in the slots
I wish there was something we could do to help.
It sounds like a good idea.
That sounds great.
It feels good doing something for the community.

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