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 Course 2 > Unit 3 > Talk > Communicative Task 2

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 2:

Topic: Talking about being cheated by a sales advertisement
Roles: Victor and Lili
Situation: Victor saw an advertisement saying "Clearance Sale" in front of XYZ fashion shop. He paid 30 Yuan for two T-shirts, but they shrank to children's size after being washed only once. His friend Lili reminded him to be always careful about the so-called "price cutting" and not to be misled by the beautiful lies in the ad.

Tips: Suggested expressions and sentences for talking about a sales advertisement
clearance sale
price cutting
mislead shoppers into buying poor quality products
Did somebody take advantage of you?
I'm never shopping there again.
Sounds like you got some great deals.
I learned the same lesson the hard way myself.

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