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Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions

1.fashion: the way of dressing or behaving that is considered the best at a certain time
  Fashions have changed since I was a girl.
  Fashions for men's clothes change less frequently than fashions for women's clothes.

2. brand: a class of goods which is the product of a particular firm of producer
  What is your favorite brand of soap?
  There are two brands of the article on the market.

3. victim: person, animal, etc. suffering injury, pain, loss, etc. as result of other people's actions, or of illness, bad luck, etc.
  He was the victim of ill-treatment as a child.
  Many thousands of animals have been victims of this strange new disease.

4. necessity: something that is necessary
  Food and clothing are necessities of life.
  We'll take only the necessities for the camping trip.

5. dress up: make (something, or oneself) more attractive, esp. with clothing
  They dressed up for the occasion.
  Are you going to dress up for the party, or is it informal?

6. define: show the character or nature of
  Good manners define the gentlemen.
  What defines us as human?

7. identify with: cause or consider (someone to be connected with something)
  Wealth cannot be identified with happiness.
  The world identifies Mrs. Pankhurst with female emancipation.

8. turn to: go to ...for help, advice, sympathy, comfort, etc.
  The child felt there was no one he could turn to with his problems.
  I had to turn to the dictionary for help.

9. quest: search, attempt to find
  The quest for gold was long and difficult.
  He went to the library in quest of something to read.

10. look to: depend on to provide help, advice, etc.
  We look to you for help / to help us.
  An able young man is ashamed to look to others for assistance.

11. affect: influence
  The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.
  The economic crisis has seriously affected West German exports.

12. add to: put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance
  He added some wood to the fire.
  The music added to our enjoyment.

13. be one's fault: be something for which one can rightly be blamed
  It is your own fault for not learning.
  Whose fault is it (that) we are late? It is not our fault.

14. consumption: the act of consuming
  There is too great a consumption of alcohol in Britain.
  That price rise did not reduce consumption.

15. step back: think about as if not involved
  From time to time, the teachers should step back and let their students run things their way.
  It is the time for parents to step back so that their children can handle the thing their own way when they grow up.

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