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        Words & Expressions
   ★Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions

ad   n. advertisement 广告

advertiser   n. 广告商

advertising   n. 广告业
affect   v.

influence 影响

attractive   adj. arousing interest or pleasure 吸引人的

belongings   n. things that one owns 财物

closet   n. 壁橱

clutter   v.

cover or fill something with lots of objects in an untidy way 胡乱地填满

concerned   adj. having an active personal interest 关注的

consumption   n. the act of consuming or an amount consumed 消费

cool   adj.

very attractive, fashionable in a way that people admire 酷的; 有派头的

curvy   adj. 曲线美的

define   v. show the nature of 显示?特征

despite    prep. in spite of 不管

fascination   n. the state of being greatly attracted 着迷

fashion   n.

the way of dressing or behaving that is usual or popular at a certain time 时尚

foster   v.

help to grow or develop 培养

glamorous   adj. attractive or full of charm 迷人的

hand-me-down   n.

a garment used by one person after belonging to another usually older person 旧衣服

hot   adj. very popular 流行的; 热销的

image   n. a picture formed in the mind 形象

insecurity   n. feelings of inferiority or inadequacy 不安全感

item   n. a single thing on a list or among a set 一件 ( 产品 )

jeans   n. 牛仔裤
means   n. method 方式 , 方法

name-brand   n. 名牌

necessity   n. thing that is essential or needed 必需品

preppy   adj. 不成熟的; 傻的

quest   n. a long search 寻求

snobby   adj. snobbish 自以为懂行的,自命不凡的

statement   n. something that is expressed formally 声明

underlying   adj. being a hidden cause or meaning of 潜在的

upcoming   adj. about to happen 即将来临的
victim   n. a person or animal that is injured, killed or hurt 牺牲品,受害者

  · Phrases and Expressions

dress up

put on formal clothes or one's best clothes 穿戴,打扮

feed off

take something from 依靠?提供的东西(生活)


consider similar in some way 认同为

in fashion

popular and approved 跟上潮流

look to

depend on to provide help, advice, etc. 向?求助

step back think about as if not involved 置身事外
turn to go to ... for help, advice, sympathy, comfort, etc. 求助于
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