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   Finding a Balance  

 "With a common-sense approach to food, I satisfy my hunger and don't feel deprived."  

 I was a chubby kid who grew into an overweight adult. I was constantly teased for being heavier than the other kids, leaving me feeling shy and self-conscious. I tried several diets, but none worked, and I ended up gaining weight. Another factor contributing to my weight gain was my love for cooking, especially rich, high-fat desserts, which I enjoyed preparing and, of course, eating.    我从小就胖乎乎的,长大后也一直超重。因为我比别的孩子重,常有人嘲笑我,因此我很害羞,很难为情。我曾经节食过好几次,但没有一次成功,最后体重反而增加。体重增加的另外一个因素是我热爱烹饪,我特别喜欢做一些油腻、脂肪含量很高的甜点,吃就更不用说了。

 When I finished high school at age 18, I weighed 215 pounds. Lacking the self-confidence to go to a new, faraway school, I decided to stay close to home instead of going away to college. I continued with my unhealthful eating habits and felt more miserable as the weight came on, but I did nothing about it except buy larger plus-size clothes.    18岁高中毕业时,我体重达到了215磅。我自信全无,不敢离家去外地的新学校,就决定不去上大学,在家呆着。我没有改变不健康的饮食习惯,体重一直上升,我越来越不开心,可是我没有采取任何行动,只是衣服尺码越买越大。

 My turning point came 10 years later at a friend's New Year's Eve party when I was at my all-time highest weight of 330 pounds. I caught my reflection in a mirror and the truth hit me: I was overweight and unhealthy, and unless I did something about it now, I would only get bigger and unhappier.    我的生活出现转折点是在10年以后。那是我最胖的一段时间,体重高达330磅,我在朋友家参加新年除夕聚会。我看见镜子里的自己,被看到的情景吓坏了:我超重,很不健康,要是再不采取任何措施的话,我会越来越胖,越来越不开心的。

After leaving the party, I thought about my past weight-loss efforts and realized they didn't work because they required me to give up foods I loved. Then I would constantly think about food and binge, abandoning the diet altogether. If I took a common-sense approach and ate smaller portions of all foods, I would be able to satisfy my hunger and not feel deprived.    聚会后,我回顾以往的屡次减肥,发现之所以不成功是因为节食需要我放弃我所钟爱的食物。这样我就老想着食物和狂欢,最后干脆完全放弃节食。要是我顺其自然,食物照样吃,但份量少一点,这样的话我就可以既解饿又解馋。

 My biggest challenge was finding a way to fit my passion for cooking into my healthier lifestyle. At first, I tried to stay away from the kitchen to prevent myself from thinking about food. The result: Food was all I thought about. There had to be some way to combine cooking with healthful eating. I found the solution after reading several low-fat cookbooks. With some trial and error, I could modify my favorite foods and make them low in fat, yet delicious.   最大的挑战在于,如何找到一个办法,既能满足我对烹饪的热爱,又能保持较为健康的生活方式。一开始,我尽量远离厨房,压抑自己不去想吃的。结果呢,满脑子里想的全是吃的。总该有办法把烹饪和健康的饮食结合起来吧。看了几本低脂肪食谱之后,我找到了解决办法。我不断尝试,把自己最爱吃的饭菜加以修改,使其脂肪含量降低但美味依然。

 The pounds started coming off, and when I started exercising (usually cardio and weight training five times a week), they seemed to melt away. I didn't feel deprived, and I felt free to give my body the care and attention it deserved.   体重开始下降。我开始进行体育活动(心肺功能锻炼和减肥训练,每周五次)以后,效果更是惊人。我不觉得苦,我觉得我该给我的身体应有的关心和注意。

 I lost 165 pounds over the next two years. I had many ups and downs — including plateaus — but I was determined to stay on track. Another challenge to me was not to beat myself up if I ate something that was unhealthy and to take it as a sign to abandon my healthful habits. Instead, I vowed to start again and always keep my goal in mind.   接下来的两年之内,我减了165磅。期间有起有落,有时也会停滞不前,可我下定决心坚持到底。还有一个挑战,就是不要因为吃了什么不健康的食物就去过分自责,以为自己放弃了健康的习惯。相反,我发誓重新开始,时刻不忘自己的目标。

Thanks to losing weight and becoming fit I am in tune with my body and myself. My dream is to help others realize the ease and benefits of low-fat cooking and eating. I've created and published a book of low-fat recipes and run workshops and seminars on healthful eating. Now that I know what I can achieve when I set my mind to it, my dreams are no longer out of reach. I have finally found myself.    体重下降了,体形好了,我又能坦然面对自己和我的身体了。我的梦想是帮助别人意识到制作和食用低脂肪食品既简便,又好处良多。我已经出版了一本介绍低脂肪食谱的书,主持了很多关于健康饮食的讨论会。我既然已经知道,我下定决心就能达到目的,我的梦想已不再遥不可及。我终于找回了自我。

Workout Schedule
  Running, stair climbing, step aerobics or kickboxing: 60 minutes/5 times a week
  Weight training: 30 minutes/3 times a week    锻炼时间安排

Maintenance Tips
  1. Make exercise a priority. After you work out, you'll be more inclined to eat healthfully.
  2. You don't have to miss out on enjoying your favorite foods to lose weight. Just enjoy them in smaller portions.
  3. Don't beat yourself up if you slip. Get back to your regular exercise and eating program as soon as you can and forgive yourself.    保持成果小建议
  1、 运动第一。锻炼后,饮食习惯往往更加健康。
  2、 减肥并不用强迫自己不吃喜欢的食物。你可以照吃不误,少吃一点就行。
  3、 犯了小错可不用过分自责。尽快回到正常的运动和饮食方案上来,原谅自己。

 Have you recently made fitness a priority?    最近你注重健康了吗?

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