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Words & Expressions

adult   n. a fully grown person 成年 ( 人 )

aerobics   n. 有氧运动

all-time   adj. 前所未有的

approach   n. method 方法; 方式

balance   n. a situation in which all the different parts or elements are equal or correct in strength or importance 平衡

binge   n. 暴食

cardio   adj. 心脏的

chubby   adj. fat in a pleasant and attractive way 胖乎乎的

combine   v. have at the same time 兼具

deprive   v. take away from 剥夺

deserve   v. be worthy of 值得

dessert   n. sweet food eaten at the end of a meal 甜食

determined   adj. with one?s mind clearly decided on a particular plan of action 下定决心的

diet   n. a plan for losing weight by eating less 节食

error   n. mistake 错误

healthful   adj. likely to produce good health 有益健康的

inclined   adj. likely ; tending 倾向于...的; 想做...的

kickboxing   n. 跆拳道

lifestyle   n. a way of living 生活方式

miserable   adj. very unhappy 极不愉快的; 痛苦的

modify   v.

change (a plan, an opinion, a condition or the form or quality of something), especially slightly 修改

overweight   adj. too heavy or fat 超重的

plateau   n. a steady, unchanging level, period, or condition 停滞时期

plus-size   n. 加大码 , 超大号

portion   n. a part or share of something large 一部分 , 一份

recipe   n. a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food 食谱

reflection   n.

an image reflected in a mirror or similar surface ( 在镜中、水中等反映出来的 ) 影像

self-conscious   adj. nervous and uncomfortable about oneself as seen by others 害羞的; 难为情的

slip   v. change to a lower, worse or different condition 倒退

solution   n. an answer to a difficulty or problem 解决方法

tease   v. laugh at, joke about or intentionally annoy 取笑 , 嘲弄

trial   n. testing 尝试

tune   n. 调子
vow   v. make (a determined decision or promise) to do something 发誓

  Phrases and Expressions

be inclined to

be likely to; tend to 倾向于 , 易于

beat up

make ... feel quilty 使?内疚

come off

(be able to) be removed 减轻 , 掉落

grow into

become something gradually as time passes 成长为

in tune with

in agreement or harmony with 与?和谐 , 保持一致

keep...in mind

remember 记住

melt away

gradually disappear 逐渐消失

out of reach

beyond somebody?s ability, authority, influence, etc. 达不到

set one's mind to

devote all one's attention and energy to 下决心做

stay on track

do in a way that is likely to result in success 坚持到底

trial and error

trying different ways of doing something until one finds the best way 不断尝试; 反复试验

turning point

a point in time at which a very important change takes place 转折点

ups and downs

good and bad periods following one another in turn 起伏

work out

exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of one?s body 健身训练


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