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Notes to Text

1.splash: sound, spot, mark made by hitting an amount of water
  Examples: He jumped into the swimming pool with a splash.

2. sense: feel; be vaguely aware of; realize
  Examples: He sensed his proposals were unwelcome.

3. around the corner: very near
  Example: She lives just around the corner.

4. horror: great shock or fear
  Examples: The crowd breathed in horror as the space craft exploded.

5. back and forth: to and fro; backward and forward
  Examples: The animal kept running back and forth, trying to get out.

6. paralyze: cause (some or all of the body muscles) to become uncontrollable or stiff
  Examples: He is paralyzed as the result of a would-be assassin’s bullet years ago.

7. as a/the result of: because of; therefore
  Examples: Three people have already died as a result of the traffic accident.

8. disability: lack of ability (to do something, for doing something); being disabled
  Examples: He was conscious of his disability in this direction.

9. adjust: make or become suited (to new conditions); adapt
  Examples: You can’t see through a telescope unless it is adjusted correctly to your sight.

10. ...Kyla’s life rested in her mother’s hands:
...Kyla’s life depended on her mother’s ability to rescue her.
in one’s hand: in one’s control

11. isolate: put or keep sb./sth. entirely apart from other people or things from others
  Examples: Several villages have been isolated by the lack of buses.

12. rescue: save (from harm or danger); set free
  Examples: He rescued his stamp collection from the burning house.

13. hold onto: not let go of
  Example: The climber held onto the rock until the rescuers reached him.

14. limp: lacking strength or stiffness
  Examples: The heat was too much for her; she went limp and fell to the ground.
  Her hand felt limp and damp.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007