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   Love Works a Miracle  

 There goes Cruiser again,” thought Cindy Dunlop when she heard a splash in the family swimming pool. Cruiser, a springer spaniel, frequently jumped into the pool just for fun. Cindy was in the garage around the corner from the patio. She was talking on the phone to a friend who had called to chat.    “肯定又是克鲁索,” 辛迪·邓洛普听到家庭游泳池方向传来落水声,这样想。克鲁索是只西班牙猎犬,经常跳进游泳池玩耍。辛迪在院子拐角处的车库里,正和朋友打电话聊天。

 But suddenly Cindy sensed that something was wrong. The splash she had heard was followed by dead silence. Quickly Cindy said goodbye and hung up the phone. She hurried around the corner and saw—to her horror—her 17-month-old daughter, Kyla, floating face down in the 15×30-foot pool. Cruiser was running back and forth along the edge of the pool, trying to save the child by grabbing Kyla’s clothing with his teeth.   突然,辛迪感觉有点不对劲。水响之后,是死一般的寂静。辛迪匆匆说了声再见就挂了电话。她急忙绕过拐角,印入眼帘的是让她惊恐的一幕:她17个月大的女儿凯拉脸朝下漂浮在15×30英尺的游泳池里。克鲁索在池边来回跑,用牙齿拽住凯拉的衣服,想把她救上来。

 Most mothers would have simply jumped into the pool and pulled their child to safety. But Cindy Dunlop was not like most mothers. She was paralyzed from the chest down as a result of an automobile crash 12 years before. Because of her disability, Cindy had been forced to adjust to life in a wheelchair. At 90 pounds, Cindy swam regularly for physical therapy but needed assistance getting in and out of the pool.   大多数做母亲的肯定会立即跳进池中把孩子救上来,辛迪·邓洛普却做不到。12年前的一起车祸使她自胸部以下瘫痪。由于行动不便,她被迫习惯了轮椅上的生活。体重90磅的辛迪由于治疗需要定期游泳,但入水和出水都需要帮助。

 Now, on October 7, 1986, Kyla’s life rested in her mother’s hands. Cindy didn’t have time to phone for help. There wasn’t anyone nearby, anyway. The Dunlops lived in the isolated desert town of EI Mirage, California. Cindy’s husband, Ron, had gone off to work several hours earlier. The nearest rescue squad was 25 miles away. And the nearest neighbor was half a mile down the road.    此刻,1986年10月7日,凯拉的生命就掌握在母亲的手中。打电话请人帮忙是来不及了,再说附近也没有人,因为邓洛普一家住在加利福尼呀亚州一个叫埃尔默拉日偏僻的小镇上。辛迪的丈夫罗昂几小时以前就出门上班去了。最近的救援队在25英里之遥,最近的邻居也有半里。

Knowing she couldn’t grab Kyla from the edge of the pool, Cindy had only one choice. She drove her wheelchair straight into the chilly water. As the chair sank, Cindy began to swim over to Kyla, who was still floating, face down, 25 feet away. When Cindy reached her daughter, she managed to flip her over. Then she grabbed her and towed her to the edge of the pool. Kyla’s eyes were closed and her lips were blue. She wasn’t breathing.    辛迪知道自己没法从池边抓住凯拉,别无选择,她坐着轮椅径直冲进寒冷刺骨的水中。轮椅沉了,辛迪朝凯拉游过去。凯拉还浮在水面,脸朝下,离她25英尺。辛迪游到女儿身边,设法把她翻过来。然后抓住她,拽到池边。凯拉双眼紧闭,嘴唇发青,没有呼吸。

 Frantic with fear and panic, Cindy tried to lift Kyla up and out of the water while holding onto the edge of the pool with one arm. “She was so limp and heavy, I couldn’t,” she later said.   辛迪惊恐万状,一条胳膊扶住池边,想把凯拉举出水面。她事后说,“她身子软软的,又很重,我举不起。”

 Cindy realized she would have to find another way to get Kyla out. She took a deep breath and let herself sink to the bottom of the pool. With her arms under Kyla’s body and her fingertips gripping the edge of the pool, Cindy used her head to push the child upward. She managed to lift Kyla out of the water, but couldn’t get her over the edge onto the concrete. When she tried, the little girl fell backward into the pool.   辛迪知道自己得另想办法把凯拉救出来。她深吸了一口气,潜到池底。辛迪用手指紧紧攥住池边,胳膊放在凯拉身下,用头把孩子往上推。终于把孩子推出了水面,却没法把她弄到水泥地面上去。正在努力时,小女孩又掉回到水里。

 Desperately, Cindy kept trying. Finally, by keeping her head straighter, she was able to roll Kyla up and out of the water. Then, propping herself up on her elbows at the edge of the pool, Cindy reached out and turned Kyla toward her. Her daughter still wasn’t breathing. With fear gripping her heart, Cindy pinched the child’s nose shut and began puffing short breaths into her mouth.    辛迪绝望了,但仍没有放弃。最后,她把头挺得更直些,终于把凯拉顶出水面,并滚到岸上。接着辛迪肘部撑在池边抬起身子,伸出手来把凯拉往自己身边翻转。女儿还是没有呼吸。一阵恐慌攫住了辛迪的心,她捏住孩子的鼻子,开始进行人工呼吸。

At first, there was no response. Again and again Cindy puffed breaths into Kyla’s mouth. Finally, Kyla’s body lurched, and she began to cough and spit up water. Then the little girl started to cry. “It was the greatest thing in the world to hear that scream,” Cindy said.    一开始,没有任何反应。辛迪就不停地往凯拉嘴里吹气。最后,凯拉的身体突然抽动一下,并开始咳嗽,把水吐出来,然后开始哭。“听到那声尖叫,真是世界上最美好的事情。”辛迪说。

Cindy called 911, and she and Kyla were rushed to a hospital. Cindy’s feet, elbows, and hands were badly scraped from crawling across the concrete. Kyla, however, was fine. Before long, she was giggling and playing as if nothing had happened.    辛迪打了911急救电话,她和凯拉被即刻送往医院。辛迪因为在水泥地面爬行,双脚、肘部和双手都被严重擦伤,凯拉却安然无恙。不久以后,她就笑啊玩啊,好像什么事也没发生过。

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