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Words & Expressions

adjust   v. change slightly, especially in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose or situation 使适应,调整

anyway   ad. in spite of everything 无论如何

chilly   adj. cool or cold enough to cause shivering 冰冷的

crawl   v. move slowly on the hands and knees 爬

elbow   n. (the outer point of) the joint where the arm bends 肘部

frequently   ad. often 经常

grip   v. take a very tight hold (of) 握紧

limp   adj. lacking strength or stiffness 软沓沓的

lurch   v. move with irregular sudden movements 抽动

patio   n. 露台 , 平台

pinch   v. press tightly and usually painfully between two hard surfaces or between the thumb and a finger 掐

prop   v. support or keep in a leaning or resting position 把?靠在?上

puff   v. blow quickly and with difficulty 短促而有力地吹气

regularly   ad. predictable or at regular times 定期地

scrape   v. hurt or damage by rubbing roughly against a surface 擦伤; 刮坏

spit   v. throw out (liquid or other contents ) from the mouth with force 吐

splash   n. a splashing act, movement, or noise 飞溅 ( 声 )

springer spaniel   n. 猎 ( 一种猎狗 )

squad   n. a group of people, usually highly trained, working as a team 班; 小组
tow   v. pull (especially a vehicle) along by a rope or a chain 拽

  Phrases and Expressions

around the corner

very near 附近

as a result of

because of 由于 , 因为

back and forth

backward and forward 来回地

go off (to)

leave 离开; 前往

hold onto

not let go of 紧紧抓住

on the phone

talking to somebody using the phone 打电话


  Proper Names

Cindy Dunlop






EL Mirage




©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007