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  Milestones in Computer History 1992-2001
1992 Microsoft releases Windows 3.1, the latest version of its Windows operating system. Windows 3.1 offers improvements such as True Type fonts, multimedia capability, and object linking and embedding (OLE). In two months, 3,000,000 copies of Windows 3.1 are sold.
1993 Marc Andreessen creates a graphical Web browser called Mosaic. This success leads to the organization of Netscape Communications Corporation.
1994 Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen found Netscape and launch Netscape Navigator 1.0, a browser for the World Wide Web.
1995 Microsoft releases Windows 95 which consists of more than 10,000,000 lines of computer instructions developed by 300 person-years of effort.
1996 An innovative technology called webtv combines television and the Internet by providing viewers with tools to navigate the Web.
1997 Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 4.0 and seizes a key place in the Internet arena. This new Web browser is greeted with tremendous customer demand.
1998 Apple Computer introduces the iMac, the latest version of its popular Macintosh computer. The iMac abandons such conventional features as a floppy disk drive but wins customers with its futuristic design, see-through case, and easy setup.
1999 Microsoft introduces Office 2000, offering new tool for users to create content and save it directly to a Web site.
2000 Intel unveils its Pentium 4 chip with clock speeds starting at 1.4 GHz. The Pentium 4 includes 42 million transistors, nearly twice as many contained on its predecessor, the Pentium III.
2001 Microsoft ships Windows XP — the fastest Windows ever. Windows XP includes networking and other features that make it ideal for business and advanced home computing.
1 TrueYype n. 微软和苹果公司研制的字形标准
2 font n. 字体(用于印刷书籍、报纸等的字体大小合式样)
3 OLE n. 对象连接和嵌入
4. navigate v. 指引方向;导航(尤指使用地图);浏览网络
5. futuristic design 未来主义设计
6. unveil v. 头颅;揭露
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