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 Course 2 > Unit 8 > General Writing
General Writing: Omission and Emphasis

An important aid to economy in writing English is the elliptical clause. In many cases, it is possible to leave out a relative pronoun that normally would join a dependent clause to an independent clause. Sometimes a dependent clause contains neither subject nor verb. It is known as an elliptical clause.
    The movie I wanted to see was not playing. (which or that unexpressed)
   When in Barcelona, try to find a quiet hotel room. (When you are in Barcelona)

Another kind of elliptical construction occurs most commonly after the words "than" and "as".
    The chairman spoke longer than he. (spoke is not repeated)
   Are you as old as she? (is is omitted)

1. Reduce the number of words in these sentences by making the introductory dependent clauses elliptical. Write out the revised sentences.

Example: While she was cooking dinner, she spilled the sugar.
While cooking dinner, she spilled the sugar.

1.Although he was expecting a telephone call, the doctor had to leave his office.
2. While she was driving into town, my mother ran out of gas.
3. If you are curious about your final grade, ask your professor.
4. When you are applying for a scholarship, you should write neatly.
5. After you finish cutting the grass, please water it.

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