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 Course 2 > Unit 8 > Listen  
  New Words

 Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words in the blanks.

Computer for study
Computer for work
Computer for entertainment
Computer virus
Internet for all
Computer hacker

Have you ever listed everything the computer does to enhance modern life? From finding research to doing research, from 1.   use to home use, from 2.   with friends and family to searching for a job, computers simplify our lives and allow us to learn and3.   things with the click of a mouse. The Internet is like a highway system, moving bits of information across telephone lines and cables with such speed that when we 4.   the web address or search for websites, within seconds the information appears on the computer screen. The 5.   of the computer and the Internet has revolutionized how we live and work. How did we ever 6.   without computers?

There is 7.   in all things and the computer is not an exception. While it provides us with many good things at our fingertips, there are those who 8.   programs that infect the computer with "viruses" which destroy its 9.   and frustrate the computer owner. Anti-virus programs, however, are 10.   to combat the problem. Cybercrime is also rising as Internet privacy is violated in a variety of ways, creating the need for better Internet security systems to be developed.

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