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 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Directions: More and more people have found the right job through the Internet just as the passage shows. Now give a short speech on the topic: "You can find your dream job via the Internet." Cite some of the stories of the job seekers that you read in Passage A.

 Words and phrases likely to be used
 ·popular /convenient
 ·easy and efficient
 ·with a click of the mouse
 ·visit an internet site
 ·log/click on to
 ·select/type some key words
 ·set up an interview
 ·jump to a new job
 ·find information
 Sentence patterns likely to be used
 ·The Internet has become a tool for…
 ·Many people have found…
 ·Take…for example.
 ·Look at another story of…
 ·So, to find the right job, you can just…
 ·While on-line, you may…
 ·you are very likely to…
 ·The internet is a great resource.
 ·So why not give it a try?
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