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        Words & Expressions
   ★Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions  

access   v. find information, especially on a computer 查找信息
administrator   n.

a person whose job is managing or directing 管理人员

annual   adj. (happening, appearing, etc.) every year or once a year 一年一次的

bank teller   n. 银行出纳员

baseball   n.


calculator   n. a small machine which can perform calculations 计算器
career   n. a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for part or the whole of one's life 职业

classified   adj. divided or arranged in classes 分类的

click   v.
press the button of the mouse 点击鼠标
criterion   n.

(pl. criteria) a standard or principle by which something is judged 标准

dealership   n.

a place where business agreements or arrangements are made 商品特许经销处

detailed   adj. thorough 详细的

electronic   adj. 电子的

elevate   v. raise, especially to a higher rank or position 晋升,提升

entry   n.

a piece of information that is written or included in a list, a book, etc. 条目

exhibit   n. 展览;展品

financial   adj. connected with money 财政的
full-time   adj.

working or giving work during the whole of the usual working period 全日的

high-tech   n.

high technology 高新技术

home page   n.


interview   n. an occasion when a person is asked questions by one or more other people to decide whether he or she is a suitable person to be given a job 面试

intrigue   v.

interest (someone) a lot, especially by being strange, unusual or mysterious 激起?极大兴趣

liberal-arts   n. most university subjects except science, mathematics, and practical subjects that prepare one directly for a job 大学文科

listing   n. a list or catalog 清单

marketing   n.

the branch of business concerned with promoting sales 营销

placement   n.

the act or an example of placing someone in position 安置

procedure   n

a set of actions necessary for doing something 步骤

profile   n.

a short description, especially of a person?s life and character 个人资料简表

publication   n.

book, periodical, etc. that is printed and distributed 出版物

real estate    

property in the form of land and houses or other buildings 房地产

recruiter   n. 招聘人

refer   v.

send or direct to (another place or person) for information, decision, or action 查询,询问

refugee   n.

someone who has been forced to leave his country for political reasons or during a war 难民

rental   adj.


salesclerk   n. shop assistant 商店里的店员

scan   v. look at quickly, often looking for a particular thing 查找,搜索

segment   n.

any of the parts into which something can be cut or divided 部分

spot   v. pick out with the eye 认出 , 找出
version   n.

a slightly different form, copy, or style of an article 版本

  · Phrases and Expressions

check out

find out whether something is true by making inquiries 核实

click on

use the computer by pressing a button on the computer mouse 点击鼠标

come across

meet, find, or discover, especially by chance ( 偶然 ) 发现

fill out

put in what is needed to complete something, especially a form 填上

fill up

make or become completely full 装满

find out

learn or discover (a fact that was hidden or not known) 发现

learn of

become informed of 得知

log on begin a period of using a computer system by performing a fixed set of operations 登录计算机系统
refer... to send or direct to (another place or person) for information, decision, or action 让?去找;让?去求助
set up establish 建立

  ·Proper Names

Arbitron 阿比特朗
Baltimore 巴尔的摩(美国马里兰州一城市)
Bosnia 波斯尼亚



Columbia, Maryland 哥伦比亚(美国马里兰州一城市)

Evanston, Illinois


Madeline Gragg 麦德林·格莱格
Nedzad Dozlic 尼得萨德·多斯里克

Northwestern University


Rockville, Maryland 罗科维尔(美国马里兰州一城市)
St. Louis 圣路易斯(美国一城市)

Steven Tools


Theresa Smith


University of Chicago


Wendy Mello 温蒂·梅洛
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007