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Words & Expressions

assembly   n. a law-making body 议会
  balance   v. consider in relation to something else 权衡
brokerage   n. the business of a broker 经纪业
burger   n. a hamburger 汉堡包
cardboard-box   n. 硬纸板盒
collateral   n.

valuable property promised to a lender if one is unable to repay a debt 抵押品

college-prep   n. 大学预科
  concept   n. a thought, idea, or principle 观念
  cover   v. (of money) be enough for something 足以付清帐目
  dignity   n.

goodness and nobleness of character, of a kind that makes people feel respect and admiration 尊严

diner   n. a small restaurant 小餐馆
  discipline   n.

a state of order and control gained as a result of the training to produce obedience and self-control 纪律

  discount   n. a reduction made in the cost of buying goods 折扣
  distinguished   adj.

very successful and therefore respected and admired 杰出的

ethic   n.

moral rules or principles of behavior governing a person or group 道德标准

flip   v. turn over by using a cooking tool 翻动
  hairstylist   n.


  ham   n. 火腿
imbue   v. fill with (something, especially a strong feeling or opinion) 灌输
imprint   v. print or press (a mark) on something 印
  incredible   adj. unbelievably good 好得令人难以置信的
  invest   v. put (money) to a particular use in order to make a profit 投资
  joint   n. a bar or restaurant which serves cheap food and drink 小餐馆
litter   n.

waste material thrown away, especially bits of paper scattered untidily in a public place 废弃物 ( 尤指在公共场所乱扔的废纸 )

  mature   v.

become fully grown or developed 成熟

  monterey-jack   n. 蒙特里杰克干酪 ( 一种含高水分的半软全酯干酪 )
  mounting   adj.

increasing 逐渐增多的

mower   n.

a machine for mowing, especially one for cutting grass in gardens 割草机

omelet   n. 煎蛋卷
parking lot   n.

an open space where cars and other vehicles may be parked, sometimes for a small payment 露天停车场

patriotism   n. love for and loyalty to one?s country 爱国精神
  sour   v.

make or become bad, disagreeable, disappointing, etc. ( 使 ) 变坏 , ( 使 ) 失望

stockbroker   n.

a person who buys and sells stocks and shares for others 证券和股票经纪人

  stress   v. give particular importance to 强调
  sweeper   n.

a person that sweeps 清洁工

  Phrases and Expressions

by hand

by a person, not a machine 手工地

go on

continue to do 继续做

imprint on one's mind/memory/heart fix something firmly in somebody's mind/memory/heart 铭记

make ends meet

get just enough money for all one's needs 使收支相抵

pay off

be worthwhile 是值得的

pick up

1. take hold of (especially something small or light) and lift it up from a surface 捡起 2. get, learn 获得,学会

thanks to because of 幸亏
to this day until now 至今

  Proper Names

Benjamin 本杰明
California 加利福尼亚(美国一州名)
Fred Hasbrook 弗雷德·汉斯布鲁克
Helen 海伦
Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国一城市)
Louis Caldera 路易斯·凯尔德拉

Merrill Lynch


Suze Orman 苏丝·奥尔曼
U. S. Military Academy 美国陆军军官学校
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007