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 Read and think> Exercise 12

12. Reading Comprehension:Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. The main idea of the passage is that__________. 
A) the slogans and characters in public service advertisements are easy to remember
B) the Ad Council pledged to remain watchful for PSAs in the media
C) advertisers helped to solve the most demanding social issues of the day
D) public service advertisements have made a positive contribution to social changes

2. The public service slogans mentioned in the passage have raised people's awareness of their _________. 
A) health
B) safety
C) wealth
D) creativity

3. From the passage, we can learn that __________. 
A) some people helped the Ad Council to fulfill its mission
B) the Ad Council has profited from public service advertisements
C) the Ad Council testified to its ability to deliver messages
D) the War Advertising Council finished its mission after World War II

4. The promise of the Ad Council for children is to _________. 
A) help them create their awareness of preventing forest fires
B) adopt an initiative to help them speak for themselves
C) launch a campaign to prevent them from drug abuse
D) help them get a chance of gaining their full potential

5. It can be inferred from the passage that _________. 
A) the Ad Council is the nation's leading producer of PSAs
B) people remember advertisements easily through slogans
C) a lot of people benefited from public service advertisements
D) people like to discuss issues concerning crime prevention

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007