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 Read and complete > Exercise 13

13. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 approach  deserve  determined  combine  solution
 miserable  Healthful  balance  deprive  lifestyle

1. No one can function properly if he is of adequate sleep.
2. This is a place - fresh air and plenty of sunshine!
3. According to many weight-loss books,diets are more effective when with exercise.
4. There's no point in trying to stop her -it'll only make her more .
5. He doesn't have a very healthy very fatly stress,a lot of food and no exercise.
6. She had to hold onto the railings(栏杆)to keep her when learning to skate.
7. Parents don't always know what to take when dealing with teenage children.
8. These doctors help you talk about your problems but they don't give you any .
9. All the staff in the company seemed to look and the atmospher was not at all pleasant.
10. She does such a good job that she every penny she earns.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007