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 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. Anyone who reads the stories about the three fathers will agree that ________. 
A) fathers play an important role in the lives of their children
B) fathers like to design their children's future for them
C) fathers are much tougher than mothers to their children
D) fathers are usually the breadwinners in a family

2. By describing her father as "a pillar of strength", Lobo tells us that ________. 
A) her father is very important to the whole family
B) her father loves her mother very much
C) her father is very tall and strong
D) her father is very supportive of her

3. What does Branson's father mean by saying "If you pour water on flowers, they flourish"? 
A) Flowers depend on water to blossom.
B) One gets fresh flowers if he waters them.
C) Praising a child helps to bring out the best in him.
D) Criticizing a child helps him to make progress.

4. From the passage, we can conclude that ________. 
A) Branson's father has been a successful lawyer
B) Branson's father encouraged him to quit school
C) Branson's father was confident of his success
D) Branson's father has been understanding and supportive

5. Lewis tells us that ________. 
A) he enjoyed farm work very much when he was young
B) he grew up in an environment with very serious racial discrimination
C) his father taught them how to protect themselves in a hostile environment
D) his father was happy to hear that he had been elected to Congress

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007