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 Read and simulate > Exercise 8

8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

 Choice Sentences  Simulated Reproduction  Translation
  1.Despite his worry, Dad was a pillar of strength for us and especially for her.   Despite his advanced age, Grandpa was a pillar of strength for our family and especially for Grandma.   尽管他有病在身,他却是我们公司尤其是销售部的顶梁柱。
  2.She knew that no matter what, Dad and his love would be there.   He promised me that no matter what, he and his support would be there.    她从不惧怕困难,因为她知道不管发生什么事,父母的关爱总会和她在一起。
 3.I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, as any good father would.  I decided to settle down in the countryside, and Mother tried to sway me from my idea, as any good mother would.   汤姆决定辍学。像任何有责任心的老师那样,威尔逊先生极力劝阻他改变主意。
  4.As it turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national magazine for young people in the UK.   As it turned out, Mary went on to get the first place in the speech contest, a great success for the school she represented.   结果,中国女子排球队接着获得了一枚又一枚金牌,成为整个国家的一个令人激动的事件。
 5.Hang in there and things will improve.  Hang in there and you will take the company out of the red.   只要坚持下去,你的目标就一定能实现。

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