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 Course 2 > Unit 8 > Talk > Communicative Task 1

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 1:

Topic: Talking about computers and security
Roles: Brian and Pei
Situation: Brian likes to download funny game software from the Internet, but he doesn't feel it's very funny now because his computer crashes frequently these days. He poured out his worries to Pei who advised him to install anti-virus software.
Tips: Suggested expressions and sentences for talking about computers and security
download unlicensed / unauthorized / unsupported software
cause conflicts with existing software
install firewall / anti-virus software on one's computer
restart one's computer
Can you help me out here?
My computer is acting very strange / won't start.
My laptop does not work properly / crashes a lot these days.
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