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 Course 2 > Unit 8> Talk > Communicative Task 2

Communicative Tasks:

Directions: Work with a peer and take turns to start the conversation.

Task 2:

Topic: Talking about computers and security
Roles: Victor and Lingling
Situation: Victor was excited to get an email from a "Lucy" with the subject "I Love You", but his excitement vanished too quickly with a click on the attached file. It was the Love Bug virus. Lingling suggested that he never open an attachment unless he's been told to expect it and always keep the anti-virus system active.
Tips: Suggested expressions and sentences for talking about computers and security
be infected by viruses transmitted via email attachments
click on the attached file
spread the virus / bug
delete the message
empty the Recycle Bin
mess up the computer
run some anti-virus software on one's computer
clean off the virus
Is there any message in the email?
Viruses come in email with an attached file.

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